Human-Centered Design

Human-Centered Design


  • Senior Brand Experience Designer 

  • Wellster Healthtech Group

  • 2021 - Present


Wellster, a pioneer of telemedicine in Germany, provides healthcare for stigmatized subjects by combining medicine and technology. Through research, design, and testing, I create user-friendly environments that enhance conversion rates for its brands.

Project: Mental Health


Research identified key user pain points, including fear of vulnerability, confidentiality concerns, negative experiences, trauma, genetics, and low motivation aggravated by waitlists. The central issue concluded as lack of safe and accessible mental health spaces, leading to high interest in Wellster’s brand: HelloEasy. The strong interest also came along with strong hesitation due to stigma.


Extensive research, including medical articles and user interviews led to several UIUX improvements. A revised colour palette with lighter tones was implemented to create a sense of safety and reduce stigma. Authentic and emotional imagery was selected to enhance relatability and trust. To address the conversion metric, A/B testing was conducted on various landing pages. This resulted in increased patient and therapist consultations. My final contribution to the brand was a concept for a mental health App, with the goal of expanding safe space for patients and increasing retention for business.

Project: Product Selection


Heat maps revealed that users struggled during the e-commerce stage of the funnel, contributing to low conversion rates. It was hypothesized that the problem was low trust and lack of visual structure. A comprehensive restructuring of the product purchase experience was necessary for registered and non-registered users.


The re-design process began with research, followed by wireframes. The updated strategy emphasized on medical credibility, incorporating trust elements such as doctor’s quotes, medical badges, recommendation for medication, and user account. Layouts were redesigned to align with recognizable steps users take in an e-commerce journey. A/B testing confirmed that the new design's improved performance, resulting in higher conversion rates for new users and retention of existing users. Consequently, product sales increased significantly.
